Posture Pro Assessments

sunset Yoga meditation in the sea
Woman doing Posture exercises near a lake

Posture Pro Calculates Your Posture Number

Your Posture Number is the total of all the numerical values Posture Pro calculates when analysing your musculoskeletal system. This numerical result can be used to recommend treatment intensity, but more interesting for our clients, is how a reassessment shows their improvement after they have worked on rehabilitating their posture (whether by a one-on-one physio-designed postural programme or participation in our small group pilates or yoga classes). This together with reduced pain and consequent improvement in function, can be a significant motivator for clients to maintain an ongoing exercise regime.

Why have a Posture Pro Assessment?

Posture Pro reveals the areas of stress through your neck, spine, hips and knees, and estimates future skeletal distortions, and can also estimate the additional strain a back pack or school bag places on the spines of growing children.

Many of our clients seek treatment for neck, back, shoulder and hip pain, but what is often not realised is the common link between these injuries, and that is posture – or more precisely, poor posture. In fact it is estimated that up to 90% of the population have a forward head on neck posture. This doesn’t make it normal, but highlights how big a problem poor posture is.

Posture is the relative positioning of your body parts in relation to each other and plays an important role in how efficiently your body functions and what stresses are placed on your joints and muscles. Ideal posture in the front to back plane should reveal a level head, shoulders and pelvis. When look at the side view, a plumbline should pass through the ear, central shoulder and hip, and just in front of the bony bump on the outer ankle joint.

woman jogging

How does poor posture cause pain?

If you imagine your head as a bowling ball resting on a broomstick, as you tilt the ball forward it will seem a lot heavier because additional forces are required to hold it in place. So when you have a forward head on neck posture, you can increase the load placed on your muscles and joints by up to 400%.
This stress can cause muscle tightness, joint stiffness and result in local or referred pain through the head and upper body. Further, muscles that are held in a prolonged shortened or lengthened position will weaken over time. Because of this, posture correction must involve in combination, range of motion and stretching exercises as well as targeted strengthening and core stability exercises such as pilates. Because the spine compensates, changes in the neck can have wide-reaching implications throughout the lumbar spine and pelvis, not just the neck and shoulders.

Common signs of posture issues include: